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La revista MAXIM ha hecho su lista de las mujeres mas guapas o sexys de los videojuegos en el 2008.
1. Naomi Hunter (Metal Gear Solid 4)
2. Anya Stroud (Gears Of War 2)
3. Kendra Daniels (Dead Space)
4. Catwoman (MK Vs. DC Universe)
5. Zoey (Left 4 Dead)
6. Sophitia Alexandra (Soul Calibur IV)
7. Natasha Volkova & Special Agent Tanya Adams (Command And Conquer: Red Alert 3)
8. Trish (Devil May Cry 4)
9. Maria Sharapova (Top Spin 3)
10. Detective Chase Linh (Need For Speed Undercover)
11. Celeste (Mirror´s Edge)
12. Elle Holloway (Silent Hill Homecoming)
13. Lola Del Rio (Grand Theft Auto IV)
14. Chun Li (Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix)
15. Elika (Prince Of Persia)
16. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider Underworld)
Via: Maxim.com
Tags: 2008, chicas, sexy, top, videojuegos